tisdag 24 februari 2009

Sanna berättelser ur livet

Alla som har det jobbigt på något sätt eller bara vill läsa om andra som har det värre bör kolla in den här sajten.

De som driver den skriver: The site is a recollection of everyday anecdotes likely to happen to anyone. They are published on the site and written exclusively by our users. This site is a place to “let it all out” and unwind by sharing those little things that screw with your day; it allows you to realize that you are not alone. Posts are meant to start by 'Today' and end by 'FML'. The site aims to be fun to read everyday.

Jag gillar den här, som påminner mig om situationer i mitt eget liv:

Today, I applied for a job in an Italian restaurant. Ideally I wanted to be a hostess rather than a waitress, and I told the manager as much. His response? "No no no. Hostess no good for you. We leave that to the pretty girls."

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